Business in brief
We are an international real estate organisation with 35 years of experience. The goal of Vastint is to create long-term value through property investments.
The cornerstones of our operations are development of commercial and residential real estate for further active management. Development activities include land acquisition, master planning, design, construction, leasing and sales. As of year 2020, Vastint’s activities further expanded with the inception of Hotel Co 51. This division operates many of the hotel properties within the Vastint portfolio.
Vastint is active in many countries across Europe, such as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Below you find our key figures year-end 2023.
office buildings
rental apartments
€ 5.6 BN
market value
1,265,000 m²
rentable area
203,000 m²
under construction
2,085,000 m²
planned projects
2,900,000 m²
€ 229 M
total revenues (including sales)

Our structure
Vastint Holding B.V. is owned by Interogo Holding AG in Switzerland. Interogo Holding is a foundation-owned investment group. The investment strategies include private and long-term equities, infrastructure, liquid assets and real estate. For more information about Interogo Holding AG, please visit www.interogoholding.com
Our brand
Vastint is the abbreviation for “Vastgoed International”, which is Dutch for “International real estate”.
In our logotype we combine a few letters into single shapes to represent connectivity and togetherness of all our divisions around Europe. The incomplete A stands for motion and that most things still remain to be done.
The colour of the logotype is neutral grey, symbolising concrete and stone. A further reason for using greyscale is its sustainability. Printing with as little colour as possible has the least environmental impact. Consequently, it is the most cost-conscious choice as well.
We are committed to fulfilling our purpose, our tasks and our promises towards our stakeholders.
We strive to use resources in an efficient way by being cost conscious and seeking simplicity in our solutions.
We are reliable and honest. Our stakeholders have trust in us, our words and our actions.
We are consistent in our behaviour and we base our actions on our common sense, our purpose and our values.
We work towards positive long term social, economical and environmental solutions and developments.
We work together in order to accomplish great things – the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
We always act in a professional manner. We believe in what we do, take pride in our work and carry out our responsibilities to the best of our ability.
We behave in an ethical manner and do what is right. We never accept corruption or other illicit behaviour, neither from our co-workers nor our business partners.
Our history
There have been quite some milestones during our long history.
We started out with acquisitions of existing portfolios and have since then transformed into an experienced international real estate owner and developer, that develops and maintains comfortable and sustainable living, working and leisure environments.
Our activities have been spread throughout Europe by the establishment of offices in various countries.
Social responsibility
Vastint works towards positive long term social, economical and environmental solutions and developments. We consider it to be a never ending job to continuously learn more and improve our way of working with sustainability.
It has been a natural part of our operations and everyday life for a long time. Consequently, for many years we have been building to the highest internationally recognised sustainable construction certifications, including LEED, BREEAM and WELL. Vastint strives to achieve LEED Gold alternatively BREEAM Excellent certification, or above, in all new developments and refurbishments.
So far we received over 100 environmental certifications. Also we are proud to own five of the top 10 LEED-certified buildings in Europe and to have built some of the first sustainable buildings in some of the countries we operate in.
Since 2014 we have published an annual Sustainability report focusing on performance of properties, safety of properties, business ethics and certification of properties. Please see this year’s Sustainability report for more information.