‘Office Lease of the Year’ Award for Business Garden Bucharest

‘Office Lease of the Year’ Award for Business Garden Bucharest

During the CIJ awards gala, Vastint Romania received the award ‘Office Lease of the Year’ for a transaction concerning Business Garden Bucharest.

Even though 2020 was a challenging year, Business Garden Bucharest has managed to be the best in class. At the beginning of the year, building A received LEED Platinum certification with the highest score in Romania, the second best score in Europe and third worldwide in the Core and Shell category.

It’s great features, quality and premium finishes are highly appreciated during the leasing process and reason for Banca Comerciala Romana to lease over 14,000 m2 in building A. This transaction brought Vastint Romania the prize awarded by CEE Construction and Investement Journal, held online early December, for ‘Office Lease of the Year’.
